Archive of ‘Slow Cooker’ category

Slow Cooker Blueberry Butter

If you’re a longtime fan of 52 Kitchen Adventures, you probably remember Slow Cooker Mondays. I haven’t posted any slow cooker recipes in a while, although if you’re looking for more of these recipes, see all of mine on my page of Slow Cooker Recipes. Today isn’t Monday, but Monday was a holiday and I […] Read more…

Slow Cooker Monday: Carnitas

It’s been a while since the last Slow Cooker Monday. I’ve been using my slow cooker more recently for easy, healthy dinners – it’s the best coming home to dinner already made (otherwise I sometimes reach for easy, unhealthy dinners like frozen waffles). Another time slow cookers come in handy is cooking for company. I […] Read more…

Slow Cooker Monday: Apple Butter

  On Saturday I asked my Facebook fans a simple question: pumpkin butter or apple butter? Both were popular choices and the votes ended up being pretty much split down the middle. Luckily, everyone wins: today is apple butter day and Wednesday is pumpkin butter day! I like both kinds of fruit butter and I […] Read more…

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