Archive of ‘Recipe’ category

Week 21: Cherimoya

Cherimoya is one interesting fruit. Native to several South American countries, it not only has seeds that can be used as insecticide, bark that contains an extract that can induce paralysis if injected, but it tastes like candy! The inner part of the fruit has a creamy texture. It’s really sweet and tastes slightly like bananas, but a […] Read more…

Shrimp Sandwiches

Another dinner inspired by Ad Hoc at Home – this time Russ generously adapted the original recipe, so I feel comfortable sharing the resulting recipe with you. The original recipe was for Maine lobster rolls. As much as I’d love to make those, we opted for a more affordable shellfish: shrimp. A few of the ingredients […] Read more…

Strawberry Sorbet

The final day of Strawberry Week already! I really enjoyed doing a themed week and it seems like a lot of you did too. I’m planning more of these for the summer. What would you like to see in another theme week? More summer fruit? A certain type of cuisine? My last strawberry project was […] Read more…

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