Archive of ‘Entree’ category

Week 30: Fresh Lychees

About 6 months ago, we used canned lychees as the unusual ingredient for the 8th Kitchen Adventure and made a simple mango and lychee cake. I recently discovered fresh lychees in stock at the store and couldn’t resist revisiting them in a new way. Fresh lychees were surprisingly similar to canned, although the fruit is […] Read more…

Week 23: Pork Belly

Pork belly. To me, it conjures up memories of rich, decadent and deeply flavorful dishes at upscale restaurants. To others, it’s a total mystery. I’ve often received a blank stare when I mention it. “Pork belly?” they ask. “I’ve never eaten that. What’s it like?” I bet that even if you think you haven’t, you […] Read more…

Shrimp Sandwiches

Another dinner inspired by Ad Hoc at Home – this time Russ generously adapted the original recipe, so I feel comfortable sharing the resulting recipe with you. The original recipe was for Maine lobster rolls. As much as I’d love to make those, we opted for a more affordable shellfish: shrimp. A few of the ingredients […] Read more…

Week 18: Nopales

Nopales means cactus stem. They are the pads on the prickly pear cactus, the fruit of which we’ve also covered here. The pads are purple or green, flat and about the size of an adult hand. They’re fairly common in Mexico, the plant’s native country, and used in many Mexican dishes. They are most commonly […] Read more…

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